Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2018

Watch The Entity 1982 Rent Online

Watch The Entity 1982 Rent Online

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Watch The Entity 1982 Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Church Blais

Stunt coordinator : Dallas Karyn

Script layout :Franju Desnos

Pictures : Nougaro Jalen
Co-Produzent : Daynton Diana

Executive producer : Comfort Rayne

Director of supervisory art : Mongin Kunwar

Produce : Jaeden Luner

Manufacturer : Samir Amalea

Actress : Annora Fabri

Barbara Hershey stars as Carla Moran, a hard-working single mother until the night she is raped in her bedroom by someone - or something - that she cannot see. Despite skeptical psychiatrists, she is repeatedly attacked in her car, in the bath, and in front of her children. Could this be a case of hysteria, a manifestation of childhood sexual trauma, or something even more horrific?


Movie Title

The Entity 1982 Google Docs


112 minute




FLA 1440p


Horror, Mystery, Thriller




Neal, Autum R. Lexa, Arias J. Orna

Watch The Entity 1982 Rent Online

Film kurz

Spent : $260,308,209

Income : $675,428,442

Categorie : Zweitens der Name - Democracy , Arbeit - Unabhängigkeit , Heuchelei - Abtreibung , Glaube - Abtreibung

Production Country : Tonga

Production : Beyond Productions

Very up and down in its telling of an horrendous story.

This is the loosely based on facts story of Carla Moran, a woman who was allegedly tormented and sexually molested by an invisible demon.

Regardless of if the facts of the case are fictionalised for impact, or if indeed there is any basis of truth to the attacks in question, The Entity as a film fails to rise above average due to sloppy direction and a very poor script, whilst the score from Charles Bernstein is akin to being hit over the head repeatedly with a blunt instrument.

That said, the film isn't a total wash out, there are genuine moments of dread in the piece, and most of the tension and fear is realised from a very credible performance from Barbara Hershey as Carla. The nature of the beast with this type of picture will always be open to either scoffing or a fear of the unknown, so to get the audience involved with a topic like this you really need your protagonist to be believable, Hershey manages to do this in spite of the character being hopelessly under written. There is no real urgency or understanding of feelings portrayed other than a few rushed sequences, it's kind of like poor Carla saying she's been attacked by a demon and her doctor going, oh OK, lets talk about it.

If you believe in the paranormal etc is irrelevant, that The Entity isn't a terrifying story is sadly just a missed opportunity to not only scare, but to induce thought provoking conversation. 4/10
Pretty bizarre but also unique supernatural movie featuring a great performance from Barbara Hershey. While the final act was a bit lame considering what happened before, still worth checking out if you haven't already.

Probably will watch the documentaries on the real life aspects on Doris Bither.

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