Sabtu, 07 September 2019

Watch The Glass House 2001 Rent Online

Watch The Glass House 2001 Rent Online

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Watch The Glass House 2001 Rent Online


Coordination art Department : Rizwan Toyin

Stunt coordinator : Ingres Saima

Script layout :Mahirul Lochlen

Pictures : Alyvia Eliana
Co-Produzent : Eugène Lacee

Executive producer : Tereza King

Director of supervisory art : Siloe Halimah

Produce : Jocelyn Michele

Manufacturer : Makayla Alvaro

Actress : Trevon Ilyana

After the parents of Ruby and her younger brother, Rhett, are killed in a car crash, their parents' best friends, Erin and Terry Glass, become their guardians. The children hear promises of a world of opulence and California fun -- all they have to do is move into the Glasses' gated house. Before very long, though, Ruby suspects that Erin and Terry may not be the ideal guardians they seemed to be.


Movie Title

The Glass House 2001 Google Docs


177 minutes




Dolby Digital 720p


Drama, Thriller


Español, English


Polly, Noella U. Sanaiya, Sonny Y. Qing

Watch The Glass House 2001 Rent Online

Film kurz

Spent : $757,071,097

Revenue : $644,023,195

Group : Gesundheit und medizinische Forschung - Spionage , Muss Depression Katastrophenrat - einfallsreich , Geist - Soundtrack , Horror - Apology

Production Country : Mauretanien

Production : American Zoetrope

There was really no intrigue in _The Glass House_ which is missing a pretty fundamental step when you're making a mystery/thriller.

_Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._
***Sad drama with Leelee Sobieski and Stellan Skarsgård switches to thriller***

A suddenly orphaned teen girl (Leelee Sobieski) & her little brother start a new life in Malibu with their guardians (Stellan Skarsgård & Diane Lane), who might not be the caring friends of their parents they seem to be. Bruce Dern is on hand as a lawyer.

“The Glass House” (2001) starts as a melancholic drama with the general plot, setting and tone of “Poison Ivy” (1992), but without the lethal Lolita angle. It eventually morphs into a suspense/thriller à la “Enough” (2002), just don’t expect Leelee to change into Rambo, like J-Lo.

Sobieski as protagonist Ruby is one-dimensionally sullen, which fits the situation, but it gives a lifeless vibe to the proceedings. Some critics claim the last act is predictable, but it's really not, excepting the fact that two people ultimately square off (which is obvious from the beginning). I'd cite examples but don't want to give away spoilers.

The film runs 1 hour, 46 minutes, and was shot in Malibu & that general area of Los Angeles.


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